Chats with the Chatfields

Ep 37p: Differentials - Top 5 most fascinating articles from 2022

Dr. Jen the vet and Dr. Jason Chatfield Season 1 Episode 37

It's always fun to look forward and backward this time of year and Dr. Jen the vet and Dr. Jason Chatfield love sharing their most fascinating articles with everyone in the Chat Room.  As we all move into a new year, check out these twin veterinarians' top five articles from 2022 - and get some hints about this year's upcoming episodes.

Links to our Top 5 picks!

  1. Bee vaccine!
  2. Smart bandage heals wounds 25% faster!
  3. Rufus saves Wimbeldon!   
  4. 7 yr old dies in Texas from rabies
  5. Cocker spaniel superglues mouth shut

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people, rabies, pigeons, hawk, problem, bees, veterinarians, american foul brood, bandage, article, hamish, falconer, vaccine, vaccinated, honey bees, wound, dog, bats, question, jason


This episode is brought to you by full bucket veterinary strength supplements the leader in digestive health for dogs, cats and horses.


Hello and welcome to another episode of chats with the Chatfields. This is a podcast to expand your idea of what impacts veterinarians, pet owners and basically all animal lovers in the galaxy as humans. We are your hosts. I'm


Dr. Jen the vet. and I'm Dr. Jason.


And if you have not yet subscribed to our show, why not just go to And subscribe today. And if you want to reach us, you can find me with any message of love and positivity at


and for everybody else you can find me at Okay. Yeah. So first, sorry, I'm gonna interrupt already. I apologize. I know when you started, other than I was busy on my phone with the Facebook or whatever, you know, I'm very social media, adept and have lots of followers and whatnot. But I was not, I was actually forwarding you something pertaining to today's episode. Okay, that a little bit of foreshadowing, and you can carry on now. Okay, so I guess that's allowed of course it's allowed what do you mean, it's preferred, actually.


Okay. It's preferred. Okay.


Well, look, I have to be ready. I know you don't stay ready. Like me. I don't have to get ready.


I have to get ready. That's true. It's true. Yeah. Okay. Well, this is a lot of Chitty chatty what we're getting at is that today is one of our differentials episodes. Right. So Dr. Jason and I are going to chat about some recent articles and topics that fascinate us.


By recent I hope you mean within the last 12 months. Yeah, that's what I was into the air kind of time. Right. So that's


the end of the year, first of the year. I mean, who's counting? Either way? Yeah.


And once again, I maybe we should have a vote. All the chatterboxes can do a vote, but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have the most interesting story.


Okay, I don't really know that. I mean,


that's okay. Because I know enough for both of us that Mine's the most interesting.


Okay. Okay, so let's get to it. So, for anyone who's counting, we're going to have five,


right? So I have one, so you have four and I have one naturally, okay. Quantity over quality, no quality over quantity. That's me. Sure. Sure.


Sure. Okay. Well, I'm gonna start okay, because I think I have a really cool one. I actually, I think I have four really good. So the first one that I've found, I hope you're prepared for this, Jason. And I know that Dr. York, one of our favorites here, the chat room. probably saw this article before I did, because it's about bees.


Your articles about BT B EE and the little buzzy insects that sting you. That's what your article is about.


It's about honey bees. Yeah. So yeah, I



got it wrapped up on Rashtra. I've got wrapped up as the most interesting how can honey bees be interesting? Yeah,



honey bee medicine is? I don't know. I just think it's nifty. It's I feel like it's like space, like Star Trek level type.



I think honey is interesting. And honey can be it's interesting that it can be naturally used for a lot of different things. And that's a made by bees. But yeah, I'm not so sure about the actual honey bees stuff. Okay, well, they have all kinds of cool dances. I guess I can go on and on about being 10.



So stop, stop. Let's collaborate. Why don't y'all listen?



Oh my gosh, okay.



There's a bee vaccine that is coming to the market. So it's the first one. It is something that that can be used to protect your brood your bees against American foul brood, which for for you uninitiated aprs is actually a bacterial disease. So, technically, this is a Bactroban in the land of vaccines, right? Because it it protects against bacterial infection. Because this stuff is no joke. The American foul brood is spread by spores of this. Penicillium larvae is the Latin name for this bacteria. The spores can remain viable, how long you think those spores can remain? I don't know.



You're getting that. Listen, you're getting down and dirty with all that be information. That was I didn't want to interrupt you because it was but I have a couple questions first. All right. Okay, sorry. And then the spores can remain viable for I don't know, let's call it two weeks. But hold on. Let me get my stuff. Hold on. Okay. It's a B vaccine. you vaccinate the bees. My first question is individually or via the highway. I hope you can answer them. Ah, my second question is American foul brood like F owl No, fo UL not like that again. Right. That's that's really foul. That's the name of it. Like,



that's it. Like that's the disease like that's the like the Yeah.



Yeah. And also, I'm pretty sure you were just racing to use the apears word first, right? I was like, Oh, I gotta use this word first, but you beat me to it because you wouldn't stop talking so good for you. All right. So and so my answer would carry on answer my questions. Your my answer to your question is, how do you get it? You know, one to two weeks



for oh, okay, for how long? Okay, so the spores, which are the thing that spreads that's how it transmits right as spores of the ASB American foul brood as it were, they can be viable for up to 55, zero 50 years.



I was close. I didn't go I didn't go over.



This is not the price is right.



Over. Okay. I feel silly. One of the two. I knew when the two was probably not not going to be right. But I would never have guessed 50 in my in my wildest dreams, right. Yeah.



So the whole thing is that if you if your hive becomes infected, they're toast you literally like you burn up like it's terrible. And so there's no like, you don't really treat him you just have to eradicate



that's like old school horse medicine, right? Burn it out, but you got to burn it. No offense to any of the



napalm there. But that's it for anthrax anymore, right? It's



actually quite terrible.



It's ridiculous. Okay, so anyway, so this is like a real like, light at the end of a tunnel. Right. So my first question was like, what kind of needles like



one of my first questions too, but



Okay, so some of the some of the caveats for this because everyone's gonna be like, well, when can I get it? Right? Aren't you wondering when you can get this vaccine for your bees?



Yeah, no, I'm not. But I'm wondering when my friend can get it. Yeah.



Okay. So, um, it's gonna be available only to commercial beekeepers, underneath under a conditional license from the USDA. Right? So it's still newish. But it's shown to be safe and efficacious. And you can be



shown to be, it's shown to took long enough.



Okay, so, application. So here's like the deets, right, so it's a Bactrim, which actually contains killed wholesale painted Vassilis larvae. That's the bacteria pin of Vassilis larvae. And you administer it by mixing it into Queen feed, which is what the worker bees eat. And then when they they incorporate that into the royal jelly that they make to feed to the Queen. Okay, well, I know. And then this is like this. This is super fascinating. So then talk about the dominoes falling, right? So you put it into Queen feed that worker bees eat, and then they incorporate it into the royal jelly. And then they feed that to the queen, she eats it and then fragments of the vaccine are deposited in her ovaries.



Then Lord, who studied this, so



wait, there's more right. Having been exposed to the vaccine, the developing larvae have immunity.



That's an interesting way I would have much preferred to see someone catch and hold individual music from a shot but I knew that probably wasn't going to be working.



I mean, that makes sense. Because like a lot of vaccines that are used in commercial food animal production are oral or topical.



Easier to give. Right? Yeah. Or to like mass mass. Mass giving



mass administration. Yeah, it's



administration. Yeah.



Anyway, so like, I'm like, I'm pretty. I'm floored by this. I am in awe of the folks who developed this. Genius. Yeah,



that's a good point. If you think about it, a it's probably a huge deal. huger huger than we're making out to be in the in the bee world these are super important. We know this for a lot of for a lot of reasons. And if this is a really bad deal for bees, American foul brood AFP as it's known at this can protect against that that's probably huge round of applause for the people



that develop. Yeah, but here's the here's the other thing. Here's the other thing, Jason is that it's not just for honey, because right now people are like, I mean, who eats honey anymore? Right? Do you drink it in your coffee? Like what? It's not just because of honey. All right,



I have I have literally four different kinds of honey in my cabinet. That don't make me do I'll take a picture of it.



Friends. I think Dr. Jason is hunting for a cookie right now. Guys, I believe you



I like honey anyways, I



believe you anyway, but it's not just honey because we know that the pollination and the role that honey bees play in our ecosystem actually affects everyone who eats because crops like just even row crops depend on honey bees for pollination. So anyways, what's the big deal there are Keystone in my ecosystem I would say so this is a huge deal hats off. Super excited to see what else gets produced. Alright, so that's it from the land of bees but



wait save the bees save the world.






exactly one step closer to that



we will temporarily allow for a replacement instead of Save the veterinarian save the world will temporary will allow that save. Alright, alright, that's enough about bees. We're gonna take a short break when we come back. Prepare yourselves friends Dr. Jason's article is



not next. Well, it's coming on next coming that wasn't that wasn't bigger than mine. Do you have to find I'll let you know if you find what? You keep going. I'll let you. I'll let you weigh.



We're taking a break. Dr. Jenn the vet, and I'm here with my friend and colleague, Dr. Keith lassen. He's got an incredibly interesting story all about full bucket health,



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And so if you want to know more about their one for when giving it full bucket, or if you're interested in better supporting your dog cat or horses, digestive health, head over to full bucket to learn more. All right, welcome back folks here for differentials. So we've done article number one, we're headed to five. You want to do yours now or you know of another one.



We're gonna we're gonna keep this we're gonna call that a swing and a miss for Dr. Jim. Good article. Good article. Not better than mine.



Okay, all right. Give me that.



I'm loving this one. This is gonna be a meatball Here you go long enough to you. Okay,



from the from the land still have Star Trek level advancements in medicine? Right we had honeybee vaccine. And now the smart bandage. Oh, because who wants to put a dumb bandage on?



I'm just saying Oh, because it sounds like it could be super cool. With the word smart and it nowadays is like you don't don't smart house smart cars. You do not expect Smart Band bandits? I can only imagine. I'm gonna sit back. Okay, you knows about this one. Right



now you know that I did some chatterboxes may be aware of this. I do love wound healing. I've had to take care of some really cool wounds. I really like all the tips and tricks to try to get the machine to heal itself. But one of the trickiest things and most veterinarians, we have to make this decision is kind of the if we cover a wound with a bandage, we can't see the wound, right, unless we remove the bandage. But as you know, the myofibroblast that are tracking across that wound trying to close it are disturbed very easily. Yes,



I did know that.



And so when you remove the bandage you disrupt healing at some amount. Now it might be worth it. It might be negligible, but you don't know, right? Until you take it off. And you're like, oh, things are great. I could have left it.



Now risk versus reward like going for a par five and two with water. Exactly.



Exactly. Exactly. Right. And so it it's it's like a like a constant like it's like the veterinarians to be you're not to be right, sure. to peak or not to peak. Right. Because the other thing is, it could be covering up a massive infection. That's just really getting out of control because you're not looking



right protecting it. You're hiding it. Yeah, I get you. I get you.



Okay. All right. So, enter the smart bandage. Okay, so there's a bandage. It's not yet on the market. Right. And I did have



a correspondence cutting edge here, holy cow.



And I had some correspondence with the guy who led the team that developed it. And they are very concerned that people are gonna think that this is like on the market. Not on the market.



Not on the market focus. Not yet, but it's coming.



Yeah, it's coming. And what's interesting is because my fur I had so many questions when I saw this, I was like, like, okay, so how big is it? How heavy is it? How flexible is it to have to protect that bandage like I would a computer or a phone? Because banded wound care is messy. Just in and of itself, like it's wet. You got to flush things. You got to put like, You got to smear stuff on. And how expensive is it? Is it reusable? How would you



like that was my cost and how expensive is this going to be for one time? I don't even think we're using it. How could that be? Awesome. All right, listen. Yeah, exactly. All excited.



Okay, so So number one, it is actually not heavy. So the, the layer, it almost just looks like a sticker that you that you put on. So the layer of like electronic because it's electronic stuff in there.



Oh my god, it really is a cyber stuff. That was just some kind of play on the way it really is. electronic stuff in there because it



it tells you like it monitors changes in the environment that it's in. Oh my gosh. Right. So pH, temperature. Humidity, humidity. What? Yeah, all your healing bed or whatever it is, right? Yeah, I know. I feel like think like Wait, did did it low Jack the myofibroblasts. And it can tell as they're moving across the world. Okay, anyway, that the electronic layer of the smart bandage is actually as thick as like a coat of paint is what they compare it to.



And they use the word thick to describe that. Like, it's not like saying the big overweight guys is tiny. Now it makes sense, but 10 guys called time No,



not a Glock. It's not a glob of your sloppy painting effort. Oh, yeah. No, no, it's like, just like you like you brush on paint anyway. But the other thing it does, which I found, I was like, Well, if you're gonna go all out, you may as well go for it. Right? It actually can can and now like, and now they have studies. So it must be true. It can accelerate wound healing. By 25%.



What? So it not only tells you what's happening, it tells them how are you gonna get along? Yes. Get along with what you're doing. Yes. Wow. That's crazy. Okay, how does it?



You know what I'm waiting for now.






Excuse me. I have an appointment on the holodeck.



Yeah, no, sure. Well, I think it's Star Trek. They just it's the step after this. They just run that little thing over. They're wounded. It's healed up.



And the tricorder the tricorder knits the tissue together, right? Like, yes, yeah. Do



you think the tricorder just tells you what's wrong? And then they do something else. But I'm not really a Star Trek winner. But they do they do kind of healed up, you know, some true, true lethal? Yes. We're not there yet. But now that this this thing will transmit to an app on their phone or something? Yeah, it's like,



no, it's like a Bluetooth sort of communication. Now look, like I said, this will not be on the market anytime soon. It's kind of a proof of concept issue. But they have studied it. They have used it on woods. Of course, they've made a few



write what they haven't done it, how to figure out how to sell it and all the dust all the boring stuff. They did a really cool science stuff already.



Right? Yes. So what they know is that this is possible. Not only is it possible, it's done. They've demonstrated they can do it. So it's really cool. It is incredibly exciting for people who live in the world of wound care. I mean, think about things like that. The the most difficult wounds that are dealt with on the human side are die diabetic wounds, right, like people get wounds on their feet. And because they have diabetes, they have not they have a compromised circulation problem. And that's why they have to amputate and stuff like that. Well imagine, if you don't have to do all those bandages changes, you don't have to interrupt chronically, the healing process that may be going on Amen. Furthermore, you can stimulate it,



right? Well, you still have to do bandage changes, right. But you just but every time you do it, you have a whole bunch more information before the reason you're doing that thing off,



you're not just doing it to look to check and make sure you're doing it for a purpose, you know, you're doing it because the pH changed, and it's too acidic. And now we've got to wipe that away. But more



in most of the time, all of us that change bandages are pretty we open it up, okay, it's doing what it's supposed to do, I'm happy, but every one of us has, you know, several times, taking one off pick, it's gonna be great and it's just as gooping nasty, feted mess that you okay, you feel a little bad because you sort of helped create that. And this, this bandage and this idea, right, well sort of help out avoid that situation.



I'm just telling you like, I could care. Like, if it didn't, maybe we should do an episode on wound care. Like what, you know, what are the principles of wound care, because I think even if you're not doing that at home for your pet, it's helpful for everyone on the care team to understand kind of the principles of what we're doing here. And I know that's helpful with my clients when when I'm saying like, no, no, we're just gonna, we're just gonna let it ride. Right, like they can everyone can be involved in the decision making process. So okay, note to self in 2023. We're going to do an episode on wound care. Okay. Interesting. All right, folks. Okay, so that's number two.



I have to go now. I have to go. But I have to I have to take my monitor because that was really good. Okay, I think cabal I find your two articles combined. almost reached this one. I'm just kidding. It's not nearly Okay, everyone's going to be shocked. Mine is not nearly as scientific. Shocked raise your hand it does have an animal not scientific. Okay, let's hear it though. But I'm going to start off with a bunch of questions. I got to set the table ready, set the scene as it were at the scene so as everybody knows, I used to work at a boutique Zoological Park. That's how we described it the best way to describe it. Okay, any zoological park any park any place where people gather outside really has one common problem annoyance Okay, restaurants even may have this this problem anytime there's people in food outdoors, okay, rather Yeah, you have these ants that that is one this doesn't this doesn't. Okay. Okay, this is bigger than that get Tito's know what you get. You're a pest. You're there. Right. And so pigeons. Pigeons be a huge problem and places and if you've ever had a place with a big building at a high roof and storage and and stuff like that, even if there's not public involved, it's a giant mess because the pigeons love to gather and roost and bathroom and this is a real disease and it's it's it's it's medically a problem. It's aesthetically a problem. It's just a real problem. But there really hasn't been a good way to solve it. There's been some some suggestions of what to do. Okay, I know I'm rambling on and on. But I read this article, and this has been happening since 1999. So I'm again shocked way behind the curve here. Some of you may have heard about this. Especially you tennis folks. Oh, apparently at Wimbledon, pigeons have been a huge problem. A minor annoyance as it were even even even happen they land on the net during the match. They poop on those are not smart pigeons on these plate you have right so that's bad place to be. They actually they actually defecate on some players while those serving is all happened, right? What are you supposed to do with the I mean?



You've reached like the high class, right? Yeah, any? Yep. Like tennis career in Wimbledon. You're in the mix. You're ready to fire off your best and like your best impersonation of like, Serena Williams, sir. You toss the ball up.



right in your face when you're trying to hit the ball. Right? Okay. It's crazy. But that happened. And it's a big problem. But you haven't heard about it in many, you know, a decade or so? Of course, not because of a couple of things. And they have names. And it's Jamie want yeah,



we have people in the chat room that love pigeons. So I hope you're not going to say like they're like splattering pigeon everywhere. Or they poisoned or something.



Well, I like pigeons too. And I'll say I love them. They've actually had an interesting history, you know, in the US, but these sort of gatherings they're a problem



there. What do you got to do about it?



You have to get rid of them? Well, yeah,



but how do you get rid of pigeons without blowing them out of the air?



Okay, so one thought that we wanted had an idea and and they started this with a bird, a hawk named Hamish. Okay. And this guy came down to I think I can solve your problem. Right and he's Hamish was named. It's a great it's a great name right. And he drove down. Yeah. drove down to Wilmington. i He lives somewhere cool in England. I don't know. Avon old park. I don't have any idea some really cool names that they name drove down there and and they started flying the hawk right here. He's a falconer and he started flying the hawk. What kind of round? That's a good question. I'm pretty sure to Harris hawk. I don't have that. Oh, yeah.



We demons.



Yeah. Yeah, they're actually really smart birds and it can be trained. I actually flew a Harish to talk at a baseball game. Can you believe that? Oh, that's right. You did? Super cool. Anyways, I was okay. I didn't fly. Oh, he's on my arm. And I was right. Was that in Miami Marlins game? Yeah, okay, I just flew him. I turned my wrist to go and I didn't have much of a skill set, but I felt cool that I was doing it, but the actual Falconer was down, you know, 1000 But they, they do this and they've done this every year now, since like, 99. There had been zero problems for the last 15 years or so. But they every morning, it's the releasing of the fact the hawk, right. Yeah. And he walks out not out on his trainers club. And he looks around and he flies around. Not a lot of pigeons nowadays in the beginning. You know, you have to, you know, you had to demonstrate you have to demonstrate the power of the hawk. As a consequence of being a pigeon show of a few pigeons sacrifice themselves for the greater good of the of the tournament wanted but Hamish caught some pigeons Hamish caught some pigeons in the natural scheme of things. But it's not they just they just don't want this Hawk out and let it and that's it this Hawk actually almost has free rein of Wimbledon he's that well trained. He kind of hangs out if he doesn't want to do anything that don't make him do anything



he just like I'm not feeling it today guys take me back.



Yeah, but just his presence is enough and he's become he's become almost all the tennis players get this get nowadays get a selfie with the hawk. Oh, I'm sure actually. It's actually not Hamish. It's a better name. Now Hamish did it can't do it for very long. So now it's Rufus and Rufus is 15 year old hawk and he's about to retire. But he's training. He's training. A younger bird, which I forgot his name but it's a younger it's a younger three year boy to string three able to start start in two years. He's a young patwon Yes, young padawan. But this opposite up at the top, this talk will fly around and it just sort of and now it's become preventative. They don't have any problems with the evils all the things you can imagine they're zero.



I'll just mark pigeons don't go there because they know Hamish word hustle.



Yeah, it's not like he went on patrol. It's not like he went and eradicated all the pigeons. No, it just scared them now. There's other people have tried a lot of different things. Lasers, techno sounds Yeah, spikes. None of them work. I can tell you from experience down down at the at the park. They don't work fake plastic Hawks. Or owls do less than nothing because they actually allow the birds to perch and poop out Yeah, disgusting. But they have done a an excellent job with this is the same trainer, and he trains all these Hawks. He just called them up one day said I think I got a solution like this does other stuff, right? I got a solution to your problem. Let me try it and they said, whatever we can do. And so every year and every morning, it's like a big production. It's like, you know, the book comes out and it's a two week deal. He's there every day sits up top he comes back in. The guy actually has to walk around with a satchel full of pigeon parts. Just in case Hamish, they need Hamish to come somewhere then. Then he can call him over. Yeah, yep. But only if he wants to. So yeah, anyways, I thought that was a very interesting story. And they actually called the natural solution. Yeah, unleashing of the Hawk is what they call it in the morning and the start of the whole the whole Wimbledon tennis tournament unleashing of the Hawks so I thought that was great.



The Hawk that's gonna be definitely enter our vocabulary. Yeah,



that's probably old news to some of you folks. But I found it very in this day in in this day and age. They're using something that they did 1000s of years ago. Yep. That's awesome to control the same sort of problem right? It's really I love it. We cool Yeah. Wait a minute. So we will waste product.



We went from Star Trek advancement to just leveraging nature that's been around for ever



forever. They've been awesome ever. So really get into the whole deal about falconry and how awesome that whole.



Oh, yeah, Falconry is actually very popular in the United States. And I did not know that. Yeah, it's considered part of our cultural heritage I think in the US is the technical term. Yeah, that's a whole that's a whole other whole other situation. Well,



in researching this I read a little bit about Falcon and they do a lot of really cool stuff and it's a very awesome relationship they have with with their animals a lot of trucks it's it's not like it's not and we have awesome relationships with our pets but our pets serve a different a different role. It's it's it's like working not for but together and it's a really an issue a lot of stuff to to get to that level. It's years and years and years of training. It's really cool. It's a really cool we should probably get a falconer. I mean,



I know all right. All right. Listen in the chat room, drop us a line if you want yea or nay on an episode on falconry, with an actual Falconer will go we will brave the world and find one if you guys want to want to hear about it. All right.



Maybe we can get one the cool accent they'll make even better.



Always Always. Okay. Okay, so I will give you props for that article. I like it. But so you had like something natural. I had Star Trek. How about a combination? Because I have two more articles. And one, one of them is a combination of those things. And then the other one is, okay, well, let's leave that for last. I want to do is this next article one that's kind of like a PSA, like a public service announcement. People think that rabies in the United States doesn't kill people doesn't kill anything right or doesn't exist. I mean, I don't I can't



think rabies is a vaccine. Problem.



Not not a nearly 100% lethal disease in people that still kills people every year. Right? What's interesting is that, so about 60,000 people we know die from rabies globally every year. Now most of those like 95% One of those cases are happening in Africa in India. And those are children, right? Average age, I think is like five to 14. It's tragic. In the United States. In general, we prevent rabies right after people get bit or exposed to rabies. And that's like that 10s of 1000s of people. We do prevention every year, every year. And it doesn't matter if you can pay for it, or you can't pay for it. Because the United States, we will not let you just die on the street from rabies unless you choose to, that you will be it'll be provided to you right out about 10 to 12 grand a person. So, and I think that's great. I want that to continue. But it's the reason that you get your pet vaccinated for rabies. But bats are the most common link to rabies for people in the United States outside the United States is dogs. In the United States, it's bats, okay. In the United States, it's



usually adults, there was a problem, adult adult bats or don't kill



humans. Okay. All right, make mistakes. So what happened? Yeah, 90% of the cases of human rabies are from a kid that comes in contact with a rabid dog. That's what happens, right. And that's not in the US. But that's what happens. Inside the US. It's adults. And it's, it's mostly bats. And in fact, the even the most common domestic animal that's found to be rabid in the US has not dogs as cats, cats are three times more likely to be rabid than a dog. So my point of this is, though, that bats across the US, that's our problem. A seven year old boy died from rabies in Texas, in 2021. Now, the details were just released in late 2022, by the CDC, um, but a seven year old. And I only say this, because I think people are not aware of, if you handle a bat, or your kid handles a bat, you need to presume it will be a very safe presumption on your part that the bat had rabies and could give it to you. And the problem is that the bats that are native to the US have such a DVD baby teeth, that you may not even know they know, right, you don't know they bid you. And that's what happened in this case is that the kid did not know that he was bitten, his parents didn't know the risk. And so they didn't seek care. And so he had a few weeks after that, he started having a headache and symptoms, etc. Yeah, he continued to go to school, he went to extracurricular kid events. And then And then, of course, succumb to rabies. And so, so it's, it's a tragic incident for his community, but it should, should alert the rest of us to the fact that rabies does still exist, it is still a thing. And that's why you get your pet vaccinated. And that's why I don't handle wildlife.



Both of those are good to remind everybody, both dogs, cats everything getting vaccinated because it's super simple, super easy, and then don't go picking up wild things. It's just as many YouTube videos as you see, that's, that's not great. Friend as things can happen,



it they can, they can and if you do, if you you know, find a bat in your attic or something like this, if and this this case, it actually were was a colony of bats that had taken up residence around an apartment complex. And so you know, several people were exposed because or considered to be exposed once it they determined that this little boy, you know, kind of was patient zero. Then they public health went and did what public health does which is protect everyone else. So you have to be aware of those sorts of things and talk to your kids about it. And and just be with that. I also will tell you that when we were growing up what what what did we think was what a dad and mom tell us would happen if we played with the barn cat and they gave us rabies?



We would have to get 8 million shots in our belly, right? All hurt. Oh, and they're like, you know,



for 2020 20 shots and you're and all of them and you're almost worse to die. Right? Like like it was just



nothing like that fear of God and pain to keep you



on the farm when mom and dad can't watch you all the time.



Do you look at that you're gonna die or be in a lot of pain, right? So



anyway, it's not that anymore. So don't parents. Don't be afraid. Kids. Don't be afraid. It's not that anymore. It's not 20 shots. It's not in your belly.



Don't be afraid to say something you may be very afraid of baby but don't be afraid to say something if if something happens, right? Yeah, exactly. Scraped or exactly spit on by some animal For a coupon or something,



all right, that's my like PSA announcement. Good



PSA. Big Debbie downer but a big good PSA that probably should should we should talk about that at least once a year because the only way we keep that stat up is to keep vaccinating and vaccinating, vaccinating and educating. Right? Because Okay, Ms



exists. So now I have a fun story. This is the last one you guys this is the last one and it's going to be nature intersecting with not nature with science.



Scientists nature we talk. It's true. But anyway, so do you have stuff in nature? Maybe



I love this because you know, like, I kind of grew up as a veterinarian in emergency medicine. And so there's an article a little cocker spaniel number one everyone who's ever dealt with Cocker Spaniels even those who love them know that oh, yeah, of course it was a cocker spaniel got its mouth glued shut was super good. Of course it was so the reason I bring this up is a the headlines are literally



glued his mouth shut like yeah like not just ate some glue and lava but



so the headline was cocker spaniel gets mouth glued shut after wolfing down tube of superglue. No, this is misuse of the word wolfing down if you will fit down it implies no chewing right you ate it hole



nailed it like a wolf would.



That would have been a totally different set of problems. Then gluing your mouth shut you not on that. You open that up. You smear that glue around in your mouth, right like so that's what happened. So he chewed it up. So it was literally close. And so they sedated him. This is what I found interesting. They used swabs coated with olive oil. Oh my gosh, really did disengage the superglue and within 20 minutes the dog was totally fine.



Okay, listen, this is the wrong way to think about this, but I'm gonna say it anyways. How much of a hero is that? Veterinarian right. Right now. I'm so



glad to have that guy.



Dr. Smith is so smart. All he did was Bages magic juice and my dog is fine because



otherwise if they had to cut the tissue recovery right now I'm gonna quote one of our other favorites in the chat room, Dr. Don Martin, because she likes to say, I bet they used to Googler.



But then maybe they did but who cares, right? No, I don't care about that.



I'm definitely going to ask Dr. Renee Schmid, our friend and toxicology when she joins us later this year in the chat room to talk about toxic stuff and pets. I'm going to ask her like, do you know that all avoidable? Like undo apparently super glues?



Was it extra virgin olive oils? I know that's light



tasting, light tasting.



I have a million different kinds of olive oil. That'd be that'd be right. Probably not right. Just who knew? That's a that's a really terrible story with the rabies to really, you know, up and down there. Probably. Those folks were probably really really upset and worried. You know, like, nothing happened.



I have to wonder I'm like, How long did it take before you knew the dog's mouth was glued shut? I know right? Cuz it's Cocker.



Yeah. How long did it were you just



like enjoying the serenity of no bars?



Leaving it any whining and why is she just staring at her bowl of food? Only make fun because everybody's the dog



is fine. The dog is totally fine. So the dog was named Blue. And let me see blue was actually just a baby so blue is four months old.



Oh, yeah, they probably knew right away then. Yeah, you probably knew oh no no one and nothing so yeah, so



anyway. Yeah, so that I just I thought that was great because number one like if that's the thing I need to know to get off the island How



do you think that olive oil works out when all superglue situations or is it just that they're getting tissue or I that are threatened to try that on some people that live in my house that are small people when they make a lot of noise? They're malady knowing that I can only save them right?



Or glue your mouth shut if you don't shut it right.



That's probably gonna No Category bad parenting.



We're totally joking friends. He's not going to do it. We're not going to advocate for that. And if you tell people we did, we will not stand with



you. We will block you from our podcast.



That's right. That's right. No So anyway, yeah. So so that's it for me. That was like work stories that I found fascinating. And Dr. Jason I love that you weighed in with falconry.



It was awesome right I probably drug it out a little bit but that's only because I had one article but I don't care it was great. I think I still think it's great although I do think the beat to be one might might be better I hate to say I just said it wasn't because I was sad it was but it's really cool.



Look, just reading the article made me want to have a podcast episode on B medicine because a lot A lot of people have like honey bee hives. So



I don't know about a lot, but a lot of people will find it interesting, right? Yeah, it is interesting. It's something that's part of your it's literally part of your everyday life that you don't even know about. Right? Yeah. And there's those of us that have four different kinds of honey.



Right. Okay. Does Are any of them made by bees that fed on? Like rhododendrons?



Listen, truth be told, I have nothing to do with the amount of honey we have. Okay, I just know we have it, you



know, you know that, like the bees then incorporate into the honey like hallucinogens, right?



No, I didn't know that. But that's cool. Yeah.



Okay. All right. I'm



gonna go check it out right now.



Okay, all right. Okay, then there's the manuka medical.



Great, honey. Yeah,



yeah. Well, manuka I think is because it's like what they feed on to make it I'm not I think, but I don't really that's



what it is. No, that's what it is. Because you get the local you know, antibiotics and local in history. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was very cool stuff. So it's not a bad idea. Right. So eight beers with a very cool accent make it sounded streaming. Keep some people listening, but be cool. Okay. So, Falconer and



Falconer good, so we gotta get a falconer. We're gonna pair. We're gonna do bees. We're going to do some stuff, friend. So we're hoping that you guys hang in for 2023, another year of chat.



Hey, Dr. Jen. Yeah. What are those two different awards sitting on the desk behind you? What what are those? Like? They're very nice. Yeah. And there you go. Those what are those? Why don't you miss



Dr. Chase? And thanks so much for asking. So we should say thanks, because in 2022, we were again, we are still the only veterinarians with podcasts that are finalists as a People's Choice podcast nominee. So in



the Science category, right in the science and medicine category, not once, but twice. So we proved that it wasn't a fluke. And that's only because of you people listening right? Otherwise, it's just us having an everyday conversation. So thank you to everybody. Yeah, for that. So



yeah, and go to podcast You can register up and you know, weigh in on all kinds of categories this coming year because hey, they do the awards every year.



Yeah. And guess what the trophy for the winner of that because we were just we were finalists and



that's we weren't nominees. Yeah, we were as big in the top 10. It's bigger, we should get we were looking for that. So we yeah, we want that. Okay, anyway, we got a lot of things look forward to in 2023. And we're looking forward to you taking the ride with us. So I guess that's that's all I have



no more shameless plugs on my end either. So.



Okay. All right. I'm Dr. Jenn the vet and I'm Dr. Jason. I will catch you guys on the very next episode. Professional Animal Care certification council or pat brings independent testing and certification to the pet care services industry is your dog daycare or boarding kennel or a groomer manned by pack certified professionals? Don't know if you don't know you got to ask look for the pack emblem at your facility to make sure that your pets receiving the highest level of professional pet care because we all know it's safer and a pack your pack CE code for this episode is cc 22007 For



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