Chats with the Chatfields

Ep 39p: A veterinary photographer's tips for great pet pics!

Dr. Jen the vet and Dr. Jason Chatfield Season 1 Episode 39

Dr. Jen the vet and Dr. Jason Chatfield are joined by Cosette the farm fresh Frenchie and Dr. Isolde Baylor to talk all about the importance of getting a great photo of you and your pet - the fur-ever photo!

Spoiler alert! Cute BTS pics at 28:50 in the Youtube version of this episode! ;)

For more on Dr. Baylor:

Her studio - Images by Iba -

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pictures, animals, photo, veterinarian, pet, photographer, people, headshot, cosette, snake, jason, dog, photography, baylor, friends, camera, create, veterinary, light, folks


This episode is brought to you by full bucket veterinary strength supplements, the leader in digestive health for dogs, cats and horses.


Welcome to chats with the Chatfields. This is a podcast to expand your idea of what impacts veterinarians, pet owners, and basically all animal lovers in the galaxy is humans. We are your hosts. I'm Dr. Jen the vet.


And I'm Dr. Jason.


And this is Cosette, the farm fresh Frenchie. And if you've not yet subscribed to our show, why not? Just go to today and subscribe. And if you want to reach us, you can find me and Cosette with any message full of love and positivity at


You're the worst. And if you guys want to have some real questions and get some real answers, you can find me at


Okay, so into the chat room we go Cosette that is joining us at least briefly today.


Cosette's got such a big head.


I know it. Can you imagine when she gets her picture made? She might be a little self conscious about her giant head?


Yes. She'd be still for a few seconds. No, she


has to hold it still. But anyway, I have her on today, because we're going to be talking about something really I think it's really cool. I think a lot of pet owners are concerned about it. And I know a lot of veterinarians are that's for sure. But in our chat room today we have a new bees are first time in the chat room. We have Dr. Isolde Baylor, but she goes by Iba. And she has a really cool story, we'll get to why we're why we're gonna call her that. And it's totally respectful. She is a veterinarian. She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania's veterinary school. So she is a pen we as we say. But right now these days, she has been a practicing veterinarian. She works in small animals. She still does some veterinary work, I think. But right now, her passion and her focus is photography of veterinarians, people, sometimes with their pets. And so we want to talk with her all about how to get that great picture of yourself and your pet. If you're so inclined. So let's welcome into the chat room. Dr. Baylor.



Hi, here. Thanks for having me on.



Oh, my God, we're so excited to talk to you. Because you see, I've seen Cosette, that well, some people have seen Cosette in person, and I think she's beautiful. But she doesn't always look that way on a photo. So I'm super excited to get tips from a professional. But number one, I want to hear all about this very interesting piece of your life. before you became a veterinarian, you were a competitive equestrian.



So yes. And I went to the University of Pennsylvania, as you know, fresh 18 year old, I was walking around on the walk, they had clubs Sports Day, and they had a table for the UPenn equestrian team. And I was like, huh, this is kind of interesting. And they were pretty interested in me because I was a beginner and I had a car and the being a school and in the city, any sort of horseback riding activities took place outside the city. So there were some driving to get there. And they always were looking for folks with vehicles. And the IHRSA was sort of like an all opportunity instill is for riders of all levels to join. And so there were folks who came and they were like, they competed on the national show circuit when they were teenagers. And they were open riders. And then there were other folks like me who were complete beginners had never done it before. And a team would score points based on the depth of their team. So I could earn just as many points for my team as as the rider who had been doing it for for 15 years. So I loved the equestrian team. It was like my home and those were my my people in that phase of my life.



But you didn't grow up and you did you didn't grow up with horses, you didn't grow up at the racetrack or at the or at the show. Live in a barn you're just on your way to math one on one and said, I don't want to go to math. Check out the questions. You know, sounds like way more fun,



which Wow. Which was actually it was actually math 42 or actually I withdrew failing.



Yeah, good old



is so bad. So bad, you should leave now. And that's fine. I also failed anatomy and that's cool. Okay, and then. So



did everybody hear what we called her when we entered user doctor. Exactly, totally loved, but it's fine. But



the thing that I think about with everything is that it's like a do over like, just because you fail math or you fail anatomy, or biochemistry or whatever it is, especially for veterinary students. It's not the end of the world. No, you know, you can regroup and do something different, do something better to the next time to maybe pass that test or learn the material better. And it wasn't because I didn't know the material. I was an undiagnosed ADHD dyslexic. Oh, my God. It wasn't until I was a parent of my then nine year old, and she went through all of that stuff that we were testing her and I was like, oh, that's why I can't spell because I have the same problem. Right? But wow, the 70s and 80s. They didn't give you those tests or answers. You just sort of had to muddle through. And right now, thank God for spellcheck because I can't spell anything for me.



Well, I can tell you, folks, if you're wondering what it is, she's talking about, with how life takes different turns, we're gonna put a link to her Photostudio website, where you can find out about that and check out her website is pretty incredible. So yeah, if you think that you can't overcome whatever it is you're facing, hey, go check out her website. That's amazing. And so yeah, that's a wonderful story. I still can't believe like, Jason, like, Would you be walking around having never been on, you know, 1500 pound animal and say, oh, yeah, I'm gonna go try that.



Like, let me let me think about that. No, no. Screaming, you know, I like my comfort zone. That's it. That's just a good story, although, and the end result is an awesome thing to talk about how, you know, we always took veterinarian sworn but a veterinarian degree is such a good thing. And there's so many different avenues once you get once you go through that, that you can pursue. And so I think it's great that you're pursuing, you know, sort of a tangential situation there.



It's great. It's still that's not surprising. I mean, you know, never been on a horse and said, yeah, let me try that. Because, you know, the truth is, I think that's what you were alluding to Dr. Baylor's? Like he, you don't know if you like it, or if you're gonna be good at it until you try it. And so you're like, try it? Yeah. Let me try it and you loved it. And I think that's fabulous. And you're doing that again?



No, I'm pretty sure I will not like this. And I'm not trying.



That's true.



It's true in candy. But anyways. Okay.



All right. So we got we got a little bit far afield. But if our chatterboxes know that we're okay with that here in the chat room. So one of the so I like let me just tell everybody, so I came across you one of the beauties of social media is that you can link up hello, LinkedIn, you can become acquainted with people that you may not ever cross paths with. Accidentally, and I you and I've been connected on LinkedIn for a while. And then we were going to be at the same conference. And you were there taking headshots for veterinarians, and I was like, Okay, that sounds cool. But also, because you have posted some really great stuff. And I thought, well, I'll just go by because you never get to meet people like that you see on social media in person. And so I went by right. And intent after I don't even think it was 10 minutes in your booth with you taking a headshot for me. I feel like we were friends for the last five years. I was so comfortable and at ease that I am not comfortable having my picture taken. I don't like it. I think it's rare humans that do to be honest. But all of a sudden, I was like, oh, yeah, I could hang out here. Do we have wine? Are there drinks? Because I think I think I put an iron now are now besties. And so



fortunately, I've that told me when you're out that those five minutes felt like 15 years. Must be a different I guess everyone's perspective is right.



Yes, yes. Anyways, it was wonderful. And then I said, you know, you know, I have Kozak here at the conference, and you said, Oh, go get her. Take a picture with her. Now, unfortunately, that didn't work out. But we're going to make it work out in the future. Yes. because of time constraints. It didn't work out for us. But and then I wonder I'm like, because my thought was who can get a good picture of coset? It's tricky, right? So how do you you're a veterinarian. And I think that you have to keep reminding people as you were taking pictures that you were a veterinarian like did they think you were not?



So some of them did think I was just a photographer. But my my goal, my whole reason for being there is I have this passion. And I spend my spare time looking at veterinary websites and I'm like, why are the pictures of the people providing the care? Not so awesome. And I think that all veterinarian professionals are asked, Why Why don't their, their personalities show through. And so I started out my photography career as a mom with a nice camera. And then we were taking pictures of animals for rescue at my vet hospital as a fundraiser, and then some people started jumping in, and I was like, oh, it's really hard to take photos of people. So I started learning and learning and learning. And as I was getting better, my clinic was like, hey, we need new pictures for the website. Can you do that? And I was like, Yeah, sure, I can take headshots, we'll do that. And, and they were my peers and my co workers. And I felt like so stressed. Because I want to really use a really good product for them. I wanted them to look as beautiful and awesome and competent as I see them every day when we work together. And then I started kind of be bopping around going to all these different veterinary hospitals, and trying to do the same thing. And one of the things that I noticed, especially for veterinary professionals, is they're kind of weird and stiff in front of the camera. And they really hate the process as as you had sort of related, amen. Their minute they're holding their animal, I can see it in the frames in my camera stream, how much they relax, oh, so much more like themselves. And so I now have added this level of when I go to a veterinary hospital and do photos, we start out doing just plain pictures of the people so they understand the posing, and what the lighting and what looks good on them. And then we had them hold their dog, because adding in their level of an animal, when you're trying to take a picture with a person and an animal, the animals feeding off of the anxiety and the stress that the human is displaying. And they don't understand what's going on to and then everybody is all upset. So I have to be bing, bing bing really fast, because if the animals too nervous, then we don't get good pictures of the animal. And it's funny because we're all as humans really critical of ourselves. Like we look in the mirror and we self judge. And we look at a photo of ourselves. And we're like, I'm too old or gray or fat or Yeah, and like all of these negative emotions happen. But if we look at a picture of an animal, yeah. So cute. It could be the squirrel that just like the smallest your bird feeder.



Yeah, you don't care a deer who's?



Yeah, you know, you don't care. You're like it's an animal. It's adorable. Yes. But I do. I don't think because that could take a bad picture. I do. But there are there are tips and tricks on how to get better pictures for Cozad.



Yes, you're already my favorite guests. Because you said nice things about cozy. You hear that?



Jason? I heard it. One person in the world nice things



about cozy. Yes. Well, it's very true. Humans are like, you know, we just hear that voice in our head. But that, so I saw that in action. Right. So there was there was a young veterinarian that was having she was in your booth. Well, when I came back with another friend of mine, who was really uncomfortable getting pictures name, but I said no, no, you gotta come because you'll you'll be very comfortable. And she was getting new pictures. And she was gonna use them for her website, which was awesome. And she wanted a pet but she didn't have a pet with her because she had traveled from out of state. And so like, someone was walking by with a dog. And she said, Can I use? Can I hold one of your dogs? Right? And so you had this this person in this hyperstimulation like, over stimulated environment, this dog and it was a little dog too. So everyone just take what you think about that. So she spent a few minutes like petting the dog talking to the dog with the owner. And and then she picked up that dog and she like walked into your your your light. It wasn't really a booth but like your area your camera shot, I guess. Yeah. And within two or three minutes, you had these spectacular pictures of her with his dog as if they had known each other for you know, years. And that dog was not calm before. No, no, I years from back everything. It was really incredible to watch that happen. And so anyway, so I guess I've just fangirled out a little bit here in the chat room because I was so impressed with how you're able to do that. Jason, you did a lot of stuff on camera with animals in Miami. Like did you have camera folks and photographers that were helpful about that? I can't hear you Jason.



I had people screaming in the background sorry. So no, not really we did not have a lot of we all we all learned and I think this is probably an upcoming up and coming situation. I think it's really cool that you're in it on the on the beginning here. But yeah, we did a lot of stuff we had exotic you know wild Like type stuff, we didn't have necessarily, you know, Pet Pet type animals. But still, we had no one to help us do anything. We just sort of said, Okay, take a million shots and maybe one of them will be will be good. But but I'm, I'm one of those people. I don't have a problem taking any pictures, doing anything on camera. I will never look at it. He doesn't ever right. Wow. So I think that's everything right? Like so. Yeah. Yeah. So I don't, because I'm so like, oh my god, I can't believe I just don't want to see it. Because I don't change the way I do stuff or feel or whatever. But with animals is so much if people focus on that, and it's so much, it's so much. Cool. Why don't



we get over that either? How do we get over that like cat like,



so it is it is a little bit of self acceptance. And during the pandemic, I like was working full time as a veterinarian in 2019. And I was like, I had started to gain traction with this headshot business. And I was like, I'm going to rent a studio. So I signed my little lease, February 2020, took my time to sign February 120 21. And because I was in new business, I prepaid all of my first year of rent using my savings. And then obviously, the world fell apart. So I had no, I had no clients. And so I was still kind of obsessing about light and mastering my craft. I took over 30,000 selfies with my camera system. During that pandemic time, I would go to the studio and just kind of fiddle around it was like my she shed. Yeah, and I know what's the good side of my face. And I kind of got into that. And then during 2021, I was going to a veterinary conference and I through the power of the network of my photography, friends connected with a really cool gentleman rod, who was from Chicago, and he is an electrician, and he a transformer exploded near him. And he had a horrific accident burns all over his body. And he and I had the same parallel experience through the pandemic of taking all these selfies. His was for self acceptance of the new way that he looked behind, I was in this position where I had met him at a conference, it was driving him from Ohio, back to Chicago. And we were like instant friends. And it made me have a lot of self realization about all of the baggage I was dragging around. My life is pretty blessed. And so his rods and he, when I dropped him off to his family, they hadn't been away from him in 18 months, they are the first that was the first time in 18 months that they had been away from each other, they came running out to him like, oh my gosh, we missed you so much, Papa. And it just it just made my heart feel so full to be kind of connected with him. And everybody's going through something different. So when I have someone come into my space, be at a booth or my studio or whatever it is, I try and in a nanosecond, find a connection, be it through vet med or parenting or athletics or whatever it is to kind of figure out are they going to be critical of themselves as we do this photo process? Are they going to? Is it going to be pretty easy? Are they going to not want to look at the pictures like you Dr. Jason like, and I had a couple of folks in it when I was at this booth. They were like, I don't care you pick doesn't matter to me, whatever. And I'm like, sure, because I'm trying really hard to make you not have that extra chin, which everybody hates. But you know it it. So it's a it's a craft, and I've been working really hard to make it.



Well, I can tell you that hard work. Now that I know about it, I can tell you it has paid off in spades because it appeared to be effortless. Watching you work with person after person after person after person plus a dog, person after person. Right. It was wonderful. And so. So yeah, so I felt very lucky that that I hopped into your booth. So folks, I know you're feeling lucky right now because she's in the chat room. But we're going to take a very short break. And when we come back, we're gonna get tips from Dodger, Baylor about things you can do to take a great picture. So hang on, tips are coming short break. Dr. Jenn the vet, and I'm here with my friend and colleague, Dr. Ki platsen. He's got an incredibly interesting story all about full bucket health,



my college roommate and that school, housemate. Dr. Rob Franklin and I were collaborating on some cases, both of us were struggling with diarrhea in some of our patients, whether it was after a procedure or after after an illness. So we created a formulation but we didn't want to just create a formulation. We also wanted to create a movement and animal health for being able to help animals in need through the use of bark products that we developed that really has resulted in our one for one giving program which we're really proud of, as much as we Are our formulations for dogs versus cats.



And so if you want to know more about their one for when giving full buckets, or if you're interested in better supporting your dog, cat or horses, digestive health, head over to full bucket to learn more. Okay, and we're back. Dr. Jason still won't look at photos of himself. And because that cuz



maybe, maybe I'm a little closer,



but you probably can he's considering, right? Not really. But because that is now sleeping on her couch after the giant treat she got for being so good earlier. So super stressed. Dr. Baylor, I bet is still in the chat room with us. We're talking all about pictures, photographs and pets and people and because they really are the same. And so we want to get now to the nitty gritty. Like, you're because you you have a lot of experience with this. And like you said, there's that you try in a nanosecond to find common ground. But that's with humans. So we're like, what do you do with a pet? You can't? How are you going to get common ground with cozy? You're going to like complain about the help, right? Because?



Well, so what we know, as as veterinarians is, is we do know how to work within animals. And as veterinarians, we do make those micro judgments based on experience, oh, this is gonna be a nice cat. This is going to be a sweet Chihuahua. This is I love to I wish I had a chihuahua for 15 years. So this is gonna



land sharp.



In like the first one or two seconds, you just know, you're right, you're 100%. Right about that we do.



Absolutely. And and the other thing that is true with any animal, I think is the energy you bring into the space gets reflected back at you from the animal. And so there have been cats that we've all had in our exam rooms that we're discussing and talking to and people are the owners are like, Oh, she never looks a bit better. And yeah, and it is a little bit of knowing about how to connect with them. Now, I think you all have more experience with more diverse collection of animals just than the dogs and cats and horses that I have in my life. But it's all the same, I don't know how much that goes with a tiger or hold on



hold on. Actually, actually, that's a good point. But it's not more the same. It's actually even more pronounced with the wildlife who aren't used to necessarily all of this stuff. Because I can't I'm sure that he has done this before, she'll tell you a million stories about taking crazy porcupines on TV. But as as long as you're as long as you remain calm, whenever you hear at all time you remain calm, you have this positive deal, the animals tend tend to reflect that's a good way to put it right back at you. And it's a much better experience for everybody. Now, that's, that's not always the same. And I'm not saying go try to take a picture with a wild tiger and just be calm and be safe. That's not happening, in fact, but But But your point is well made. And it is actually a more pronounced effect with with the wild wildlife type animals. So it's a great point. And I don't hear



this as a challenge.



No challenge. I'm not sure.



This is not a challenge. But yeah, but but it is more pronounced because they just don't they don't cover it. So they're less polite. They're blunter.



And I think that that's important. If folks are going to connect with the photographer to get what I call the Forever photo, you'll see a lot of stuff on social media where somebody's beloved Bernese Mountain Dog is diagnosed with cancer, and she's only six years old, and her family wants to go on her her and have a photo shoot. Yep. And if they're completely stressed out, because maybe they're stretching their budget a little bit to get into a situation where they're spending a lot of money, or high quality experience. And they're nervous that they're not going to get the results that they want. They very much need to trust the professional. Because the if they're upset and stressed out in the process, then the animal doesn't know how to behave because they're taking their cues from their human. And the same then it also applies to the photographer. And we can get into the tips and tricks on how to do better photos as well. But that's,



that's why I think it's such a unique and fortuitous combination that your veterinarian and your photographer and so who better behind the lens to understand the impact of the photo like for that, you know, what did you call it? What kind of photo forever? Forever photo? Yeah, or photo? Yeah, then a veterinarian, right. Like who better to, you know, capture that relationship between the creature and their family or whatever? Yeah, I think like, I just, it's genius. I mean, it really is and I like it. I just just incredible I'm like, I'm jealous because you found this passion. I hope to find something like that in my lifetime that I enjoy as much as you appear to enjoy doing this and so, so it's wonderful. And I will say she's not going to bring this up. So I'm going to bring it up on her behalf. And I'm gonna, I'm gonna muck it up and then you're gonna have to correct it. That's how I'm gonna make you bring it up is that you are not, you're you're not just a photographer. You're not just a headshot photographer. You're not just a veterinarian who is a photographer. You are one of only like three women globally that have a specific certification. Is that right?



I'm, I'm a member of the largest group of headshot photographers in the world. It's called the Peter Hurley's headshot crew. Peter Hurley is a best headshot photographer in the world based in New York City. And he has a group of over 19,000 photographers, we're all kind of together, all through the pandemic. And then even now we have daily meetings where we meet, we talk photography, everyone's trying to raise, raise the tide. So all the ships go up and we all get better. Yeah, I'm an associate photographer in that meaning that I have trained personally with him for years, had my portfolio of images, which is all veterinary professionals. Most of my people are actually in scrubs instead of being business personnel. But the principles apply to business financial folks or bankers and lawyers as it does to veterinarians, every new human. Yep. So there are currently about, I think 150 associate photographers in the United States, but only 38 women globally who have the associate status because traditionally photography has been a fairly male dominated profession. So let's head headshot crew ladies, we're pushing the envelope. That's right. So ladies,



yeah, yeah, headshot crew, lady. That's it. That's a t shirt right there. Headshot crew, ladies.



Well, we're trying to rename ourselves, we have a meeting every Monday where we talk about things from from every everything. And that then segues back to some of the my things that I'm trying to champion which is one to make a lot of the all the veterinary professionals that I can come across look better, and it is becoming a much more female dominated field. And then when I go on location to a more traditional business, like a finance or a bank lawyer, to make those women look powerful, and connected, without demeaning, demeaning ties, I'm not good with these words. So that the posing is, is is good for them without taking away their command of their space, because I think that's very important. Women can you know, push all boundaries? And I'm trying to do that through photography, that's a



lot of stuff to convey and, and a single shot and so it's really, but when you do it, right, I think everyone can agree you get it like that's why I can't take my phone out quickly. Oh, that's so easy, whatever. It's just me being a dorky person, but when you have a professional that understands all this stuff, it's great. And then added added to that with the animals is just is really, really astounding. So



okay, so get let's, let's do some tips really quick, because I want to ask you for some I got like a list of questions.



Jen's trying to get her free advice ever.



Okay, so number one, like what's your what's your number one thing like your first tip for if I want to get a great photo with my pet? What do you think?



I think so. A photo that you're going to be like, Wow, that looks really cool is going to be best composed with you as the holder of the phone or the camera at her



level. Okay, so yep, though,



if she's on the floor, you're lying on the floor. And I have some pretty funny behind the scenes photos, but I was doing a photo shoot of a herd of Frenchies, where are six of them all related sisters, aunts and mothers and all this mess. And we were trying to control them all and I'm like lying on the ground. I love all these yoga mats and and like I've got my camera you can't see them. But I'm like they're so that I can be on the level with them. And that's that's the money shot right there to be the third level or even a little lower. And so how do you get lower than on the floor, you raise them up. But the big point that I want to stress with elevating the pet is they need to be safe. So I have all these tables and sofas in my studio and little cushions and whatever. But I'm always I always want to have a spotter because I don't want to have especially trying to create create a forever photo with an old Labrador and he jumps off the sofa and off his back. Yeah, ruins his knees. So you have to make sure that they're safe. And the same is true if you're outdoors and you're trying to take an action photo, right, the running, you want to be down on their level. So you're lying in the grass, if they're running and they're jumping and whatever, you're lying on the ground getting dirty. It's not a, you know, fancy place to be really cool. I have a collection of really long leashes. They're like 30 feet so hot and strong cotton web. And so I will have an owner or my assistant holding that leash. So fluffy is galloping along in the grass, but can't run away and get hit by a car because like, as a doctor, I'm like, I don't want to create this situation. That should be so much right on creating cherished memories and have somebody



you're not drumming up business. You are not drumming up business for the emergency clinic right there.



No, absolutely not. I worked here for a long time. We're not doing that. So that to me is the number one thing and then being on the same right level with the animal. Okay,



and you did you had a number of different platforms have different level look like one of your tables could maybe go up and down. But yeah, like you had a lot of that available there in the booth, which I thought was fabulous, too. And it was all quite sturdy. Yes. Yeah,



I go, I go to Home Depot or Lowe's and I'm like pushing on things. I'll stand on them. Because if if, if it can't hold my weight, then how they're going to hold the weight of the pet say yeah, yeah, yeah, that's how I drove from Philadelphia to Florida, because I had all that stuff.



It was a lot. It was a lot of stuff. It was a lot of stuff. So okay, so get on. So that was two tips and one that was get on their level. Yep. That makes sure they're comfortable and safe. Because I have to tell you, that probably affects how the pet behaves, too. Is if if they're like because like when I put because that in a chair if she knows that I have you know miscalculated her weight. She's, she's like, What? What? She's not comfortable. So she doesn't give me that great regally face. She gives me the very much disdain face. So yeah. Okay, so let's great, so safe. And, and then my. So thanks to COVID we all learned that, like good camera good video, is a lot of lights and angles. Right? Lights it is. So what's what do we do about that?



So there's, there's an idea, you know, we have every day, the sun, the sun is a huge light source. And so if you're outside in the middle of the day, especially in Florida, it's like between 11 and two, the light is really harsh, because the sun is at its highest. Okay, and then that creates a lot of dynamic between the harshness of the light, and then the shadows that it creates like the line across the ground, from where your car's parked, you see this harsh line. So to try and control the light and use it to your advantage. So as photographers we talk about the golden hour or the morning light is morning light tends to be very blue Golden Hour, which is around sunset tends to be very yellow. And so the best pictures are usually captured first thing in the morning, you're getting up early or late at night. So you're missing. You're missing dinnertime depending on the time of the day. And then to kind of master midday light because sometimes you have no choice and like thinking about folks when they get married, right? Like, right, they're like we're having a wedding at three o'clock or you know, whatever time it is, and wedding photographers deal with this all the time, you need to find what's called open shade. So it's a place where there is shade and it's not speckled, like through a tree creates cackling in Yeah, but if it's like you look at the ground and it's dark, then that right at the edge of that is what's called open shade. So you could have the pet be there and there would be light coming from where the sun was and lighting them not harshly without it being but not harshly so they're not going squinting and getting all offended by the light. And then bouncing light like looking at the buildings around you outside or using even just a simple piece of cardboard like a poster board a white poster board and that creates bill on the side because it hits the light and then it reflects it back onto the individual. But most of the time with pets if you start adding in all these extra things, they're like what Wait, no, it's too complicated. So keeping it simple, usually is is the best and using the light that you have available



to you because because that would want to chew the poster board that's a fact like she just want to taste yeah would need it she just want to taste it. Yeah.



So we had a lot we had a lot of photo shoots down in Miami a lot and not with me but with for the photo shoots and you are correct. But we learned like we do flamingos okay. And they were like, you know not really tractable. Like okay, so we had to set it up and get it over there. And then sort of guessed that, that Bert, you know that the flock was going to be in the right place at the right time and then that's when you know but there was so much I had no idea was going on. I was just there to kind of make sure nothing would read that with the animals but but there was so much pre shoot or pre production or pre whatever stuff happening. I thought they were full of malarkey. I'm like, Come on, just take a picture out on the water. It's beautiful. Here's my iPhone, that's I got stuff to do, right? But there's, I mean hours and discussing and all this stuff. So there's a lot to it. And it's crazy how much stuff you guys have to think about. But yeah, that you bring up all this, all this reflecting light or whatever they did that on almost every picture didn't matter what, what time of day it was, they would always try to angle these things. And I'd forgotten all about that kind of stuff. So a lot, a lot of pre thought goes into these photos. It's amazing.



Lighting and angles, lighting and angles.



And any other thing that's cool. With all of our you know, the phones we have in our pockets, these cell phones, these iPhones are so powerful. And now there are these new software's that can remove the leash, remove the dog tags, like what?



Like this gene, right? Staring at this



thing. But at the same time, you have to think about what the final product is. Yeah, to make something that you're going to hang on your wall and remember your beloved pet forever with. Yeah, doesn't matter if you cheated. No, no,



no, no, I missed that cheating for that for those people is cheating for you. Right? It's just makes it so much easier for people like me to get a good photo when when you have all this actual knowledge. And I'll



go ahead and try you go ahead and try to get a picture as she does, Jason. But that so that came up when you took my picture because I had, of course, hair everywhere. And I was like, we're gonna have to do it again. Because look, there's like this piece of hair that's like sticking up, like out to the side, wherever and you're like, oh, yeah, just ignore that. Like you weren't even looking at that. You're like, I can just take that right out. You just take that out. I was like, wait, what? No, yeah. Because that would be our, for me.



I didn't take it out. I just did over. Right. So that did over. I just



you know, Photoshop has a little magic wand and you just nudge it back where it's supposed to be? Yeah. But the programs are so powerful. When we were at via Max, I was sharing the photos through a program that basically used AI and facial recognition to send your photos to your device. Yes. And that software in beta testing is actually recognizing animals too. I was talking to my friend Ryan who developed it. I was like, yeah, there are there are pet photographers who are using it, and you can upload a selfie or an IC of the dog. And then it will send the dog photos right to them as well. Which I was like That is crazy.



And that's what it did. No wonder I didn't know I was gonna have that. Yeah, that was Wow. Yeah. Because you told us you were like, Okay, now take a selfie. And then because like scan the QR code, take a selfie. And then within like, I don't know, five minutes. It had sent me a link to a gallery of pictures of me. It didn't have to have my name. It didn't have to have nothing else except my phone number along with this picture of me. And it sent them That was incredible. So if it can do that with pets that's that's what about I wonder if they're gonna they can use that to find lost pets to locate lost pets. You can upload a photo and say anybody see my pet? That?



I don't know if that would? I don't? I don't know. That would be interesting. Yeah, I have to talk to Ryan. So the software is called spot my photo. It's used by headshot photographers and event photographers to share photos kind of as as you bebop around. It's a pretty cool platform.



Yeah, free free shout out to spot spot my photo. That's what it is.



Yeah, yeah. Based in somewhere in Florida. He said. Yeah, he's uh oh, wow.



It was cool. Because that's what the link said. The link said you've been spotted. Crazy. I know. There's AI for you happening right there with with photos. Yeah, so that's awesome. Okay, so I want to hear like your funniest or like, whatever you like if you're at a party and you don't know anybody but you want to make friends. What's the story that you tell? Like that's



crazy stuff. Oh, that's



a picture of a bird. Let me tell you about the herd is pretty good.



Yeah, the herd that that was that was rolled off your tongue there's a whole herd of wrenches. I was like are you got to be kidding, give me a break. even deal with one.



So I was this was probably two years ago, I went on location for doing team photos and headshots at a vet hospital. And I include a prep package saying you know, this is how everyone should try and prepare themselves to dress so it'll whatever and talk to the manager about how they want what scrubs colors and all this and that. And I always say Everyone can have a pet in the photo if they want. We'll do them first and then you know, bring your pets. So in my mind, a pet is a dog and a cat. Sure. I'm just, you know, a little too traditional in that way. And so I walk in and I've set all my stuff up. And then one of the techs is walking around, and she's got Todra wrapped around her neck. A snake like is it a snake? What Wait, what? Wow, I didn't it didn't never occurred to me that people would bring reptiles, right. And so was a Python and No, why would it just went on for days. It was huge. And so this girl was amazing in front of the camera, like you said, oh, there are there people who who like getting their picture taken and some people do. Yeah, she was channeling her inner Princess Leia. She had kind of like the Princess Leia bus goes up. You know, she's an active working vet tech working with animals. So she and her hairs up with a creative attitude when I tried to take the picture of her by herself, okay. And I was like, Okay, well now you can get your snake item. And so luckily, I had a long lens telephoto so I could work back.



Don't like reptiles.



I'm I am not a snake person. For sure. That was the closest I've ever been to a snake. And so you saw the process Dr. Jeff, where you come over and we look at the photos together and we pick which one you like, Oh my God, how did that work for you took a step back. And I'm like you see, and so we took a couple we did some coaching where she came in and then she got that snake to do some stuff like like, there was someone else behind me making stuff and that would put us a little tongue out and this girl love these photos. That is I went deep in Italy to



mentalize that beer huh? Picture that's great. You know, you



know when that snake was flicking its tongue in and out. You know it was happening? No, it was it was tasting your fear. I



know, I think I was sweating. Maybe I was pre menopausal. But that is



awesome. You either take your own advice and remain calm. Everybody just remain calm. I'm talking to myself now. So funny. That's like



it's all fun and games until someone shows up with the snake.



Was it was it yellow? Or was it brown? Was it brown?



Brown brown, black? And and the young lady was like Well she's shedding so I don't think they're going to be very good. So I actually did post like retouching on the snake right yeah, look her best



Yeah, okay. All right All Dolan



that's a special photographer who's going to do airbrush or photo retouch on your snake because she was about to shed Yeah, she was a little muted. That's fabulous. Oh my God, that's awesome. All right. Well, Jason any any like what other burning questions Do you



know this is this was gonna be a typical episode where I just take notes because I'm so that's what you're doing. Level blah, blah, blah, blah. Be safe, you know, sunlights harlequins notes because I have no idea i Seriously, I just, I just point the thing and shoot and most of my pictures are terrible. Of me of the pets or whatever. So I'm going to try to use some of these I can only imagine when you say get to the pets level I can only get with get with the animals like the fur. I'm telling you. The first thing I thought about was not a snake. It was a pig. Like, oh my gosh, I wonder if she's ever gotten into the, you know, on the ground? Who knows? Yeah, just Hi, everyone. Thanks. i It's happening though. You know what's gonna happen right now that we brought it up next week? Probably. So



So I was at at a Lancaster, Pennsylvania that hospital and photos and again, they brought their pets over to baby goats.



They're super cute. They were



adorable. And but they they were being held so they were up in the arms of the people. Yeah, but getting low to take your photos for your pets does create that connection with the viewer in the camera.



Yeah, I never thought about that. I bet it does. For sure. And food is important



as as Dr January feeding because that little face right to get them to sort of pay attention. Yes. And then I make all sorts of crazy noises when I'm doing the pet photography a bit because to get them to look at me just with that cute head bob you know, whatever it is to create that connection. And and the other thing when I'm using my big powerful camera is I my camera autofocus is either on humanized or Animalize I can tell the difference Oh, wow, emailed canon. And I'm like, can you do both at the same time because I owe the same Yeah. But what that means is, as the photographer, I can hold the camera and pointed at the animal and bring my face up, so that they can make a connection with me. So they look at you and not be so stressed. Yeah. And then the other thing that I do, especially if I'm in the studio, and I've running my big lights, that flash, is I make a lot of clicks with the camera to desensitize the animal. Just it's like clicker training. So I press the button, it makes noise and flashes and I give them a treat at the same time, and I'm tapping into animal behavior to make them again, enjoy the experience a bit be a little bit more relaxed. Well, I can always tell when, when the when the pets are done. I can they just are like, working out on



the timer. The timer is done. And that so that was what was so funny. So the colleague that I was with at your booth when you were taking the picture with the young veterinarian, and the random dog that she made friends with is that was actually a veterinary behaviorist. And so she says to me, like there were two dogs in the mix, right? And she was like, oh, no, no, not that dog. That dog is really upset. And it was it had its ears back. So that's so she picked the other dog. But you didn't make a ton of noises. I didn't think but somehow you got this dog to look at you ears forward, because it had the floppy ears, you know, ears forward as though it was totally intent looking at you in cocked ahead. It was perfect. And its owner was over here. It was being held by strange person. There's me and my friend cutting up in the background. Right? All kinds of stuff going on. And you got actually a couple of shots where the pet was perfect. That was just it was just incredible dependent look tense. It didn't look like it was like, Oh, I'm holding this pet here and take this picture. It was all very calm. So yeah, so it was I like I told like I texted Jason right then I'm like, Oh my God, she's totally coming on a podcast. That was incredible. It was. It was amazing. And so that's what I think pet lovers are looking for someone to capture what they see with their pet and how they feel when they're with them every day. Yep. And Veterinary and veterinarians. We get to see it all the time. And we love it. So what a unique combination of veterinarian and a professional photographer. I'd like I'm still I still think that's incredible. So folks, we are going to put links to Dr. Baylor's website for photography in the show notes, so don't worry, don't drive off the road or drop the dishes or whatever you're doing while you're listening to us. On the YouTube. If you want to see some photos, we'll probably flash some photos up there of things that she's done if she's so kind to share them with us.



Dr. Jim, we talked about this. What's not, though YouTube is not Oh, it's just YouTube.



On our our YouTube channel. Sorry. Sorry. Well, what's that? Like? We're putting them on the Facebook?



Oh my gosh, all right.



Okay, I do



have a behind the scenes of that friendship. I'll send you that. Okay, friends,



it will be we're gonna share it. If it's okay with you. I would love to share that because I can't I already can't stand it. I can't stand it. Okay. So yeah, so that's a reason to subscribe to us on on not the on my YouTube



channel is messed up your role there. Just keep saying, I know, I know.



Alright, so any any lasting things that you wish every pet lover, every veterinarian knew about pictures and photography, anything when last tip.



I think circling back to my story about connecting with that guy rod, he was going back into his house and I was like, so tired. And there was this moment where they were walking away this whole family hugging him. And I put my phone up and took a picture. And to him that picture is so powerful. And so I think everybody should you've got the phone in your pocket. Yeah, pictures, take the pictures of the things that are happening in your life. And as parents, especially mothers, we're always so critical of ourselves. Yeah, make sure you're in the pictures with your pets with your children. Don't just hide behind the camera. And and on my blog, I had this picture of me with my two daughters when they were like two and four. And then they're 22 and 24. And there's like maybe three pictures in that 20 years and suing where the three of us are together. Oh my gosh. And that I think is a shame and I and so when I talk to especially younger, newer families, I'm like, hey pictures where you're in them with your your people that you love and backup that phone, get the cloud or get to your computer because the minute you drop it in a horse bucket, a toilet on it. I can't tell you how many phones I've killed in different ways. Those pictures are gone. Yeah, don't lose them. Make sure they're secure and safe.



Yeah, there really is no excuse for the generations now but you know, for us growing up, it was pretty hard. There was no selfies were kind of another thing, right? So so pictures were a lot more it was a you had to like actually make a point to make the time to do it now it's like every five seconds to snap one. So there really is no excuse get get pictures of people, animals, everybody, because, you know, time just marches on everybody.



Yeah, it does. Oh, sorry. I meant to comment there. I was busy backing up my phone. Oh, to get back to get the pictures off of it. Gonna be young for so long. Anyway, no, that's wonderful. That's just those are just tips for good living right there. I love it. I love it. All right, Jason. Anything else? No, I'm good. Okay, well, thank you so much. Doctor. I sold I Baylor. Thank you for joining us. Yep. Like that's all we have. I'm Dr. Jen, the vet. And I'm Dr. Jason. I will catch you all on the next episode. Professional Animal Care certification council or PAP brings independent testing and certification to the pet care services industry is your dog's daycare or boarding kennel or a groomer manned by pack certified professionals don't know if you don't know you got to ask look for the pack emblem at your facility to make sure that your pets receiving the highest level of professional pet care because we all know it's safer in a pack your pack the code for this episode is cc 220076.



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